Source code for smif.optimisation

"""Solve the optimal planning problem for a system of systems model


from pyomo.environ import (AbstractModel, Binary, Constraint,
                           NonNegativeIntegers, Objective, Param, RangeSet,
                           Set, Var, minimize, summation)
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory

[docs]def define_basic_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs): """Define the binary integer planning problem Arguments ========= assets : list The list of assets availability_constraint : dict A dictionary of binary constraints on whether you can build each asset in `assets` asset_costs : dict The investment cost of each asset asset_value : dict The value function approximation of each asset Returns ======= model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel An abstract instance of the incomplete model with no objective function """ model = AbstractModel() number_states = 2 ** len(assets) model.p = Param(default=number_states, doc='The number of states', within=NonNegativeIntegers) model.I = Set(initialize=assets, doc='The set of infrastructure assets `I`') model.b = Param(model.I, initialize=availability_constraint, doc='Constraint on availability of asset `i`') model.c = Param(model.I, initialize=asset_costs, doc='Cost of asset `i`') model.x = Var(model.I, doc='Decision to invest in asset `i`', domain=Binary) def ax_constraint_rule(model, i): """Implements the action constraint Defines which assets can be built """ return model.x[i] <= model.b[i] model.BuildConstraint = Constraint(model.I, rule=ax_constraint_rule) return model
[docs]def state_vfa_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs, asset_value, states): """Define the value function approximation Here we assume that the value function approximation is a function of the state, rather than individual assets Unfortunately, the number of states becomes very large, growing exponentially in the number of assets, and so representing the approximate value function like this is very inefficient as soon as the number of assets increases above 32 (about 4 GB). Arguments ========= assets : list The list of assets availability_constraint : dict A dictionary of binary constraints on whether you can build each asset in `assets` asset_costs : dict The investment cost of each asset asset_value : dict The value function approximation of each asset states : dict A dictionary where the keys are tuples of entries in `assets` and an index of states (``2 ** len(assets)``) and the value is a binary indicator showing the possible combinations Returns ======= model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel A concrete instance of the model Notes ===== :math:`\hat{v}_t^n = \min_{a_t \in A_t^n} C_t^{INV}(S^n_t, a^n_t) + \ {V}^n_t(S^n_t, a^n_t)` """ model = define_basic_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs) model.J = RangeSet(1, model.p, doc='The set of states') model.d = Param(model.J, initialize=asset_value, doc='Value of being in state `j`') model.y = Var(model.J, doc='Decision to NOT invest in state `j`', domain=Binary) model.e = Param(model.I, model.J, initialize=states, doc='The combination to match') def left_constraint(model, i, j): """Forces state `j` to be chosen if x[i] matches e[i,j] """ return (model.x[i] - model.e[i, j]) <= \ 0 + (model.p + 1) * model.y[j] model.LeftConstraint = Constraint(model.I, model.J, rule=left_constraint) def right_constraint(model, i, j): """Forces state `j` to be chosen if x[i] matches e[i,j] """ return 0 <= \ (model.x[i] - model.e[i, j]) + (model.p + 1) * model.y[j] model.RightConstraint = Constraint(model.I, model.J, rule=right_constraint) def only_one_constraint(model): """Only allow investment in one state Right hand side of constraint is N-k (number of assets minus one). """ return summation(model.y) == (model.p - 1) model.UniqueConstraint = Constraint(rule=only_one_constraint) def objective_function(model): """Sum of investment cost of asset `i` and value of being in state `j` """ return summation(model.c, model.x) + \ sum(model.d[j] * (1 - model.y[j]) for j in model.J) model.OBJ = Objective(rule=objective_function, sense=minimize) return model
[docs]def linear_vfa_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs, asset_value): """Define the value function approximation Here we assume a linear relationship (in the asset) Arguments ========= assets : list The list of assets availability_constraint : dict A dictionary of binary constraints on whether you can build each asset in `assets` asset_costs : dict The investment cost of each asset asset_value : dict The value function approximation of each asset Returns ======= model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel A concrete instance of the model """ model = define_basic_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs) model.d = Param(model.I, initialize=asset_value, doc='Value of asset `i` (assumes linear relationship)') def obj_expression(model): """Total cost """ return summation(model.c, model.x) + summation(model.d, model.x) model.OBJ = Objective(rule=obj_expression, sense=minimize) return model
[docs]def solve_model(model, state=None): """Solves the model using glpk Passing in a `state` as a list of asset names initialises the state of the model, fixing those decision variables. Arguments ========= model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel A concrete instance of the model state : dict, optional, default=None A list of assets which were installed in a previous iteration or time period returns : pyomo.core.Model.Instance An instance of the model populated with results """ opt = SolverFactory('glpk') instance = model.create_instance() if state: for asset in state: instance.x[asset] = 1 instance.x[asset].fixed = True instance.preprocess() results = opt.solve(instance) instance.display() return instance
[docs]def feature_vfa_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs, feature_coefficients, asset_features): """Define the value function approximation Here we assume that the value function approximation is a function of the features of the state, rather than individual assets, or enumeration of all possible states Arguments ========= assets : list The list of assets availability_constraint : dict A dictionary of binary constraints on whether you can build each asset in `assets` asset_costs : dict The investment cost of each asset features : list The set of features feature_coefficients : dict The regression coefficients for each feature asset_features : dict The mapping of features to assets Returns ======= model : pyomo.environ.ConcreteModel A concrete instance of the model Notes ===== The use of features decomposes the optimisation problem into several sub-components. The first is to find the clusters of 'bits' in the state, which correctly predict minimal cost investments and operation of infrastructure assets. These clusters can be used to define a feature, adding an entry to the `feature` set of features and a column to the `asset_features` matrix, where 1 indicates that the feature includes that asset. Initially, feature selection could begin by regressing the results from a random sample of investment policies. This could highlight which patterns of investments seem to result in least cost systems. In addition, the attributes of the assets could provide a set of features which at least help categorise the assets (e.g. according to sector, size, location, and asset type). The binary integer problem is posed as follows: :math:`\min \sum_i^I c_i x_i + x_i \sum_f^{F}( e_{if} b_{f})` where - :math:`i` is an element in the set of assets :math:`I` - :math:`f` is an element in the set of features :math:`F` - :math:`c_i` is the cost of asset :math:`i` - :math:`x_i` is the decision to invest in asset :math:`i` - :math:`e_{if}` is the mapping of feature :math:`f` to asset :math:`i` - :math:`b_{f}` is the basis coefficient of asset :math:`i` and feature :math:`f` """ model = define_basic_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs) features = list(feature_coefficients.keys()) model.F = Set(initialize=features, doc='The set of basis functions') model.coef = Param(model.F, initialize=feature_coefficients, doc='The basis values') model.basis = Param(model.F, model.I, initialize=asset_features, doc='The asset-feature mapping', within=Binary) def weight_features(model, i): """Computes the blend of features associated with asset `i` Arguments ========= model : pyomo.core.AbstractModel An instance of the model i : pyomo.core.Set An element in the set of assets Returns ======= expr : pyomo.core.Expression The blend of features of asset `i` """ expr = sum(model.coef[f] * model.basis[f, i] for f in model.F) return expr model.weighted = Param(model.I, initialize=weight_features, doc='The weighted basis values for each asset') def objective_function(model): return summation(model.c, model.x) + summation(model.weighted, model.x) model.OBJ = Objective(rule=objective_function, sense=minimize) return model
[docs]def formulate_model(asset_register, availability_constraint, feature_coefficients, asset_features): assets = [ for asset in asset_register] costs = [['capital cost']['value'] for asset in asset_register] asset_costs = dict(zip(assets, costs)) model = feature_vfa_model(assets, availability_constraint, asset_costs, feature_coefficients, asset_features) return model