Source code for smif.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A command line interface to the system of systems framework

This command line interface implements a number of methods.

- `setup` creates an example project with the recommended folder structure
- `run` performs a simulation of an individual sector model, or the whole system
        of systems model
- `validate` performs a validation check of the configuration file
- `app` runs the graphical user interface, opening in a web browser

Folder structure

When configuring a project for the CLI, the folder structure below should be
used.  In this example, there is one system-of-systems model, combining a water
supply and an energy demand model::


The sector model implementations can be installed independently of the model run
configuration. The paths to python wrapper classes (implementing SectorModel)
should be specified in each ``sector_model/*.yml`` configuration.

The project.yaml file specifies the metadata shared by all elements of the
project; ``sos_models`` specify the combinations of ``sector_models`` and
``scenarios`` while individual ``model_runs`` specify the scenario, strategy
and narrative combinations to be used in each run of the models.

from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import pkg_resources
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
import traceback
import webbrowser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from multiprocessing import Process
from threading import Timer

import smif
from smif.data_layer import DatafileInterface, DataNotFoundError
from smif.convert.register import Register
from smif.convert.area import get_register as get_region_register
from smif.convert.area import RegionSet
from smif.convert.interval import get_register as get_interval_register
from smif.convert.interval import IntervalSet
from smif.convert.unit import get_register as get_unit_register
from smif.http_api import create_app
from smif.parameters import Narrative
from smif.modelrun import ModelRunBuilder, ModelRunError
from smif.model.sos_model import SosModelBuilder
from smif.model.sector_model import SectorModelBuilder
from smif.model.scenario_model import ScenarioModelBuilder

__author__ = "Will Usher, Tom Russell"
__copyright__ = "Will Usher, Tom Russell"
__license__ = "mit"

    'version': 1,
    'formatters': {
        'default': {
            'format': '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
        'message': {
            'format': '\033[1;34m%(levelname)-8s\033[0m %(message)s'
    'handlers': {
        'file': {
            'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'formatter': 'default',
            'filename': 'smif.log',
            'mode': 'a',
            'encoding': 'utf-8'
        'stream': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'formatter': 'message',
            'level': 'DEBUG'
    'root': {
        'handlers': ['file', 'stream'],
        'level': 'DEBUG'

# Configure logging once, outside of any dependency on argparse
if '--verbose' in sys.argv:
    VERBOSITY = sys.argv.count('--verbose')
    for arg in sys.argv:
        if re.match(r'\A-v+\Z', arg):
            VERBOSITY = len(arg) - 1

if VERBOSITY is None:
    LOGGING_CONFIG['root']['level'] = logging.WARNING
elif VERBOSITY == 1:
    LOGGING_CONFIG['root']['level'] = logging.INFO
    LOGGING_CONFIG['root']['level'] = logging.DEBUG

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOGGER.debug('Debug logging enabled.')

REGIONS = get_region_register()
INTERVALS = get_interval_register()
UNITS = get_unit_register()

[docs]def setup_project_folder(args): """Creates folder structure in the target directory Parameters ---------- args """ _recursive_overwrite('smif', 'sample_project', if == ".": dirname = "the current directory" else: dirname ="Created sample project in %s", dirname)
def _recursive_overwrite(pkg, src, dest): if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(pkg, src): if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.makedirs(dest) contents = pkg_resources.resource_listdir(pkg, src) for item in contents: _recursive_overwrite(pkg, os.path.join(src, item), os.path.join(dest, item)) else: filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg, src) shutil.copyfile(filename, dest)
[docs]def load_region_sets(handler): """Loads the region sets into the project registries Parameters ---------- handler: :class:`smif.data_layer.DataInterface` """ region_definitions = handler.read_region_definitions() for region_def in region_definitions: region_def_name = region_def['name']"Reading in region definition %s", region_def_name) region_data = handler.read_region_definition_data(region_def_name) region_set = RegionSet(region_def_name, region_data) REGIONS.register(region_set)
[docs]def load_interval_sets(handler): """Loads the time-interval sets into the project registries Parameters ---------- handler: :class:`smif.data_layer.DataInterface` """ interval_definitions = handler.read_interval_definitions() for interval_def in interval_definitions: interval_name = interval_def['name']"Reading in interval definition %s", interval_name) interval_data = handler.read_interval_definition_data(interval_name) interval_set = IntervalSet(interval_name, interval_data) INTERVALS.register(interval_set)
[docs]def load_units(handler): """Loads the units into the project registries Parameters ---------- handler: :class:`smif.data_layer.DataInterface` """ unit_file = handler.read_units_file_name() if unit_file is not None:"Loading units in from %s", unit_file) UNITS.register(unit_file)
[docs]def load_resolution_sets(directory): """Loads the region, interval units resolution sets Arguments --------- directory: str Path to the project directory """ handler = DatafileInterface(directory) Register.data_interface = handler load_region_sets(handler) load_interval_sets(handler) load_units(handler)
[docs]def get_model_run_definition(directory, modelrun): """Builds the model run Arguments --------- directory : str Path to the project directory modelrun : str Name of the model run to run Returns ------- dict The complete sos_model_run configuration dictionary with contained ScenarioModel, SosModel and SectorModel objects """ handler = DatafileInterface(directory) try: model_run_config = handler.read_sos_model_run(modelrun) except DataNotFoundError: LOGGER.error("Model run %s not found. Run 'smif list' to see available model runs.", modelrun) exit(-1)"Running %s", model_run_config['name']) LOGGER.debug("Model Run: %s", model_run_config) sos_model_config = handler.read_sos_model(model_run_config['sos_model']) sector_model_objects = [] for sector_model in sos_model_config['sector_models']: sector_model_config = handler.read_sector_model(sector_model) absolute_path = os.path.join(directory, sector_model_config['path']) sector_model_config['path'] = absolute_path intervention_files = sector_model_config['interventions'] intervention_list = [] for intervention_file in intervention_files: interventions = handler.read_interventions(intervention_file) intervention_list.extend(interventions) sector_model_config['interventions'] = intervention_list initial_condition_files = sector_model_config['initial_conditions'] initial_condition_list = [] for initial_condition_file in initial_condition_files: initial_conditions = handler.read_initial_conditions(initial_condition_file) initial_condition_list.extend(initial_conditions) sector_model_config['initial_conditions'] = initial_condition_list sector_model_builder = SectorModelBuilder(sector_model_config['name']) # LOGGER.debug("Sector model config: %s", sector_model_config) sector_model_builder.construct(sector_model_config, model_run_config['timesteps']) sector_model_object = sector_model_builder.finish() sector_model_objects.append(sector_model_object) LOGGER.debug("Model inputs: %s", sector_model_object.inputs.names) LOGGER.debug("Sector models: %s", sector_model_objects) sos_model_config['sector_models'] = sector_model_objects scenario_objects = [] for scenario_set, scenario_name in model_run_config['scenarios'].items(): scenario_definition = handler.read_scenario_definition(scenario_name) LOGGER.debug("Scenario definition: %s", scenario_definition) scenario_model_builder = ScenarioModelBuilder(scenario_set) scenario_model_builder.construct(scenario_definition) scenario_objects.append(scenario_model_builder.finish()) LOGGER.debug("Scenario models: %s", [ for model in scenario_objects]) sos_model_config['scenario_sets'] = scenario_objects sos_model_builder = SosModelBuilder() sos_model_builder.construct(sos_model_config) sos_model_object = sos_model_builder.finish() LOGGER.debug("Model list: %s", list(sos_model_object.models.keys())) model_run_config['sos_model'] = sos_model_object narrative_objects = get_narratives(handler, model_run_config['narratives']) model_run_config['narratives'] = narrative_objects return model_run_config
[docs]def get_narratives(handler, narrative_config): """Load the narrative data from the sos model run configuration Arguments --------- handler: :class:`smif.data_layer.DataInterface` narrative_config: dict A dict with keys as narrative_set names and values as narrative names Returns ------- list A list of :class:`smif.parameter.Narrative` objects populated with data """ narrative_objects = [] for narrative_set, narrative_names in narrative_config.items():"Loading narrative data for narrative set '%s'", narrative_set) for narrative_name in narrative_names: LOGGER.debug("Adding narrative entry '%s'", narrative_name) definition = handler.read_narrative_definition(narrative_name) narrative = Narrative( narrative_name, definition['description'], narrative_set ) = handler.read_narrative_data(narrative_name) narrative_objects.append(narrative) return narrative_objects
[docs]def list_model_runs(args): """List the model runs defined in the config """ handler = DatafileInterface( model_run_configs = handler.read_sos_model_runs() for run in model_run_configs: print(run['name'])
[docs]def build_model_run(model_run_config): """Builds the model run Arguments --------- model_run_config: dict A valid model run configuration dict with objects Returns ------- `smif.modelrun.ModelRun` """ try: builder = ModelRunBuilder() builder.construct(model_run_config) modelrun = builder.finish() except AssertionError as error: err_type, err_value, err_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(err_type, err_value, err_traceback) err_msg = str(error) if err_msg: LOGGER.error("An AssertionError occurred (%s) see details above.", err_msg) else: LOGGER.error("An AssertionError occurred, see details above.") exit(-1) return modelrun
[docs]def execute_model_run(args): """Runs the model run Parameters ---------- args """ timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')"Loading resolution data") load_resolution_sets("Getting model run definition") model_run_config = get_model_run_definition(, args.modelrun)"Build model run from configuration data") modelrun = build_model_run(model_run_config)"Running model run %s with timestamp %s",, timestamp) store = DatafileInterface(, args.interface, timestamp) try: if args.warm:, store.prepare_warm_start( else: except ModelRunError as ex: LOGGER.exception(ex) exit(1) print("Model run complete")
[docs]def make_get_data_interface(args): """Use args to make a function returning a suitable DataInterface """ def getter(): """Return a DataInterface """ return DatafileInterface( return getter
def _open_browser(): print(" * Smif app is running at http://localhost:5000") def _run_server(args): app_folder = pkg_resources.resource_filename('smif', 'app/dist') get_data_interface = make_get_data_interface(args) app = create_app( static_folder=app_folder, template_folder=app_folder, get_data_interface=get_data_interface )'', port=5000, threaded=True)
[docs]def run_app(args): """Run the client/server application Parameters ---------- args """ print("Opening smif application") # avoid one of two error messages from 'forrtl error(200)' when running # on windows cmd - seems related to scipy's underlying Fortran os.environ['FOR_DISABLE_CONSOLE_CTRL_HANDLER'] = 'T' # Create backend server process server = Process(target=_run_server, args=(args,)) try: print(" * Type CTRL-C to stop") server.start() Timer(2, _open_browser).start() while True: time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" * Stopping...") server.terminate() server.join()
[docs]def parse_arguments(): """Parse command line arguments Returns ======= :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ parser = ArgumentParser(description='Command line tools for smif') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version="smif " + smif.__version__, help='show the current version of smif') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help='show messages: -v to see messages reporting on progress, ' + '-vv to see debug messages.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='available commands') # SETUP parser_setup = subparsers.add_parser('setup', help='Setup the project folder') parser_setup.set_defaults(func=setup_project_folder) parser_setup.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='.', help="Path to the project directory") # LIST parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help='List available model runs') parser_list.set_defaults(func=list_model_runs) parser_list.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='.', help="Path to the project directory") # APP parser_app = subparsers.add_parser('app', help='Open smif app') parser_app.set_defaults(func=run_app) parser_app.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='.', help="Path to the project directory") # RUN parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='Run a model') parser_run.set_defaults(func=execute_model_run) parser_run.add_argument('-i', '--interface', default='local_binary', choices=['local_csv', 'local_binary'], help="Select the data interface (default: %(default)s)") parser_run.add_argument('-w', '--warm', action='store_true', help="Use intermediate results from the last modelrun \ and continue from where it had left") parser_run.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='.', help="Path to the project directory") parser_run.add_argument('modelrun', help="Name of the model run to run") return parser
[docs]def confirm(prompt=None, response=False): """Prompts for a yes or no response from the user Arguments --------- prompt : str, default=None response : bool, default=False Returns ------- bool True for yes and False for no. Notes ----- `response` should be set to the default value assumed by the caller when user simply types ENTER. Examples -------- >>> confirm(prompt='Create Directory?', response=True) Create Directory? [y]|n: True >>> confirm(prompt='Create Directory?', response=False) Create Directory? [n]|y: False >>> confirm(prompt='Create Directory?', response=False) Create Directory? [n]|y: y True """ if prompt is None: prompt = 'Confirm' if response: prompt = '{} [{}]|{}: '.format(prompt, 'y', 'n') else: prompt = '{} [{}]|{}: '.format(prompt, 'n', 'y') while True: ans = input(prompt) if not ans: return response if ans not in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N']: print('please enter y or n.') continue if ans in ['y', 'Y']: return True if ans in ['n', 'N']: return False
[docs]def main(arguments=None): """Parse args and run """ parser = parse_arguments() args = parser.parse_args(arguments) if 'func' in args: args.func(args) else: parser.print_help()
if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])