===================== Project Configuration ===================== There are three layers of configuration in order to use the simulation modelling integration framework to conduct system-of-system modelling. A project is the highest level container which holds all the elements required to run models, configure simulation models and define system-of-system models. The basic folder structure looks like this:: project.yml /config /dimensions annual.yml country.yml oxfordshire.yml /model_runs energy_central.yml energy_water_cp_cr.yml /narratives technology.yml /scenarios climate.yml population.yml water_sector_energy_demand.yml /sector_models energy_demand.yml water_supply.yml /sos_models energy_water.yml energy.yml /model_runs energy_central.yml energy_water_cp_cr.yml /data /dimensions hourly.csv annual.csv lad.shp /initial_conditions energy_demand_existing.yml energy_supply_existing.yml /interventions energy_demand.yml energy_supply.yml /narratives energy_demand_high_tech.csv central_planning.csv /scenarios population_high.csv population_low.csv /strategies pipeline_2020.yml /models energy_demand.py water_supply.py /results /energy_central /energy_demand ... /water_supply ... The Project File ---------------- This file holds a small amount of project-level configuration. The project name is a unique identifier for this project. Unit definitions references a file containing custom units, not included in the Pint library default unit register (e.g. non-SI units). Model Run --------- A model run brings together a system-of-systems model definition with timesteps over which planning takes place, and a choice of scenarios and narratives to population the placeholder scenario sets in the system-of-systems model. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/model_runs/energy_central.yml :language: yaml .. <> .. figure:: gui/configure.png :target: _images/configure.png :align: center :alt: alternate text :figclass: align-center A model run overview .. topic:: Hints [A] Create a new model run [B] Click on the row to edit an existing model run [C] Click on the bin icon to delete a configuration .. <> .. figure:: gui/configure-sos-model-run.png :target: _images/configure-sos-model-run.png :align: center :alt: alternate text :figclass: align-center The Model Run configuration .. csv-table:: :header: #, Attribute, Notes :widths: 3, 10, 45 1, Name, A unique name that identifies the Model Run configuration. Note: this field is non-editable. 2, Description, A description that shortly describes the Model Run for future reference. 3, Created, A timestamp that identifies at which time this Model Run was created. Note: this field is non-editable. 4, System-of-System model, The System-of-Systems Model that this Model Run configuration is using. 5, Scenarios, The selected Scenario for this Model Run within each of the available Scenario Sets. Note: Only the Scenario Sets that were configured in the selected System-of-System Model will be available here. 6, Narrative, The selected Narratives for this Model Run within each of the available Narrative Sets. Note: Only the Narrative Sets that were configured in the selected System-of-System Model will be available here. 7, Resolution, The number of years between each of the Timesteps. 8, Base year, The Timestep where this Model Run must start the simulation. 9, End year, The last Timestep that this Model Run must simulate. .. topic:: Hints [A] "Save" will save changes to this configuration. Click "Cancel" to leave the configuration without saving. Timesteps ~~~~~~~~~ A list of timesteps define the years in which planning takes place, and the simulation models are executed. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/model_runs/energy_central.yml :language: yaml :lines: 4-5 Scenarios ~~~~~~~~~ For each scenario available in the contained system-of-systems model, one variant should be chosen. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/model_runs/energy_central.yml :language: yaml :lines: 7-9 Narratives ~~~~~~~~~~ Narratives override the default values of parameters in simulation models. For each narrative available in the project, any number of narrative variants can be chosen (or none at all). .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/model_runs/energy_central.yml :language: yaml :lines: 10-12 System-of-Systems Models ------------------------ A system-of-systems model collects together scenario sets and simulation models. Users define dependencies between scenario and simulation models. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sos_models/energy_water.yml :language: yaml .. <> .. figure:: gui/configure-sos-models.png :target: _images/configure-sos-models.png :align: center :alt: alternate text :figclass: align-center The System-of-System Model configuration .. csv-table:: :header: "#", "Attribute", "Notes" :widths: 3, 10, 45 1, Name, "A unique name that identifies the System-of-Systems model configuration. Note: this field is non-editable. See also :ref:`A System-of-Systems Model File`" 2, Description, "A description that shortly describes the System-of-Systems model for future reference. See also :ref:`A System-of-Systems Model File`" 3, Sector Models, "The selection of Simulation Models that are used in this System-of-Systems Model. See also :ref:`A System-of-Systems Model File`" 4, Scenario Sets, "The selection of Scenario Sets that are used in this System-of-Systems Model. See also :ref:`A System-of-Systems Model File`" 5, Narrative Sets, "The selection of Narrative Sets that are used in this System-of-Systems Model. See also :ref:`A System-of-Systems Model File`" 6, Dependencies, "The list of Dependencies that are defined between sources and links. See also :ref:`Dependencies`" .. topic:: Hints [A] "Add Dependency" opens a form to add a new dependency [B] "Save" will save changes to this configuration. Click "Cancel" to leave the configuration without saving. Scenarios and Narratives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scenarios are the categories in which scenario data are organised. Choosing a scenario set at this point allows different scenario data to be chosen in model runs which share the same system-of-systems model configuration defintion. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sos_models/energy_water.yml :language: yaml :lines: 3-5 Similarly, narratives can be made available if desired. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sos_models/energy_water.yml :language: yaml :lines: 6 Simulation Models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section contains a list of pre-configured simulation models which exist in the current project. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sos_models/energy_water.yml :language: yaml :lines: 7-9 Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this section, dependencies are defined between sources and sinks. For convenience, they are split into scenario dependencies (where a model will receive data from a scenario) and model dependencies (where a model will receive data from another model). .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sos_models/energy_water.yml :language: yaml :lines: 10-35 .. csv-table:: :header: "Attribute", "Type", "Notes" :widths: 15, 10, 30 source, string, "The source of the data" source_output, string, "The output in the source" sink, string, "The model which depends on the source" sink_input, string, "The input which should receive the data" Simulation Models ----------------- A model file contains all the configuration data necessary for smif to run the model, and link the model to data sources and sinks. This file also contains a list of parameters, the 'knobs and dials' the user wishes to expose to smif which can be adjusted in narratives. Intervention files and initial condition files contain the collections of data that are needed to expose the model to smif's decision making functionality. .. <> .. figure:: gui/configure-sector-models.png :target: _images/configure-sector-models.png :align: center :alt: alternate text :figclass: align-center The Model Wrapper configuration .. csv-table:: :header: "#", "Attribute", "Notes" :widths: 3, 10, 45 1, Name, "A unique name that identifies the simulation model that is wrapped. Note: this field is non-editable. See also :ref:`A Simulation Model File`" 2, Description, "A description that shortly describes the simulation model for future reference. See also :ref:`A Simulation Model File`" 3, Class Name, "Name of the Class that is used in the smif wrapper. See also :ref:`Wrapping a Sector Model: Overview`" 4, Path, "The location of the python wrapper file. See also :ref:`Wrapping a Sector Model: Overview`" 5, Inputs, "The simulation model inputs with their name, units and temporal-spatial resolution. See also :ref:`Inputs`" 6, Outputs, "The simulation model outputs with their name, units and temporal-spatial resolution. See also :ref:`Outputs`" 7, Parameters, "The simulation model parameters. See also :ref:`Parameters`" .. topic:: Hints [A] "Add Input" to open a form to add a new input [B] "Add Output" to open a form to add a new output [C] "Add Parameter" to open a form to add a new parameter [D] "Save" to save changes to this configuration. Click on "Cancel" to leave the configuration without saving. Inputs ~~~~~~ Define the collection of inputs required from external sources to run the model. Inputs are defined with a name, spatial resolution, temporal-resolution and units. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sector_models/water_supply.yml :language: yaml :lines: 6-16 .. csv-table:: :header: "Attribute", "Type", "Notes" :widths: 15, 10, 30 name, string, "A name for the input variable" dims, string, "A list of dimensions" dtype, string, "The data type" units, string, "The units required for the variable" absolute_range, tuple, "(optional) Raises an error if bounds exceeded" suggested_range, tuple, "(optional) Provides a hint to a user as to sensible ranges" default_value, float, "(optional) The default value for the parameter" Outputs ~~~~~~~ Define the collection of output model values used for the purpose of metrics, for accounting purposes, such as operational cost and emissions, or as the source of a dependency in another model. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sector_models/water_supply.yml :language: yaml :lines: 27-37 Outputs are defined with exactly the same attributes as inputs. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ Parameters should all be configured with default values - these may be overridden by narratives when a model is run. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/sector_models/water_supply.yml :language: yaml :lines: 53-64 Parameters are defined with exactly the same attributes as inputs and outputs. Scenarios --------- The ``config/scenarios`` folder contains scenario definitions. Data files for each of the scenario variants are stored in ``data/scenarios``. Here's an example of a population scenario which can provide consistent data for population and population density, in three variants (high/medium/low): .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/scenarios/population.yml :language: yaml The list of variables that a scenario ``provides`` are defined exactly as model inputs, outputs and parameters. The filenames in the ``data`` section within the scenario definition point to CSV (comma-separated-values) files stored in the ``data/scenarios`` folder. For example: .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/data/scenarios/population_high.csv :language: text Narratives ---------- The ``config/narratives`` folder contains narrative definitions. Data files for each of the variants are stored in ``data/narratives``. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/narratives/technology.yml :language: yaml A narrative file contains references to 0 or more parameters defined in the simulation models. Parameters might include system-wide constants such as emission coefficients or exchange rates, and parameters used by a single model, such as technology energy efficiencies. Value specified in the narrative file override the default values specified in the simulation model configuration. If more than one narrative file is selected in the sos model configuration, then values in later files override values in earlier files. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/data/narratives/high_tech_dsm.yml :language: yaml Dimensions ---------- Dimensions are used in the metadata that describes model inputs, outputs and parameters. The ``config/dimensions`` folder contains dimenion definitions. The ``data/dimensions`` folder contains the list of coordinates which index the dimension, along with optional metadata that can allow conversion between different dimensions of the same type. Dimension config includes a name and brief description, along with a path to the file in ``data/dimensions`` which defines the coordinates elements: .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/config/dimensions/annual.yml :language: yaml Spatial and temporal dimensions are commonly used to define inputs or outputs which carry information about a variable which varies over time (intervals) and/or space (locations or regions). Temporal dimensions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A temporal dimension definition specifies the mapping of model timesteps to durations within a year (assuming that each planning timestep models 365 days: no extra day in leap years, no leap seconds). Use ISO 8601 [1]_ duration format to specify periods:: P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S For example: .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/data/interval_definitions/annual_intervals.csv :language: text In this example, the interval with id ``1`` begins in the first hour of the year and ends in the last hour of the year. This represents one, year-long interval. .. csv-table:: :header: "Attribute", "Type", "Notes" :widths: 15, 10, 30 id, string, "The unique identifier used by the simulation model" start_hour, string, "Period since beginning of year" end_hour, string, "Period since beginning of year" Spatial dimensions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spatial dimensions define the set of regions used to index a model variable. The spatial resolution of the model may be implicit, and even a national model needs to have a national region defined. The file format must be possible to parse with GDAL, and must contain an attribute "name" to use as an identifier for the region. Interventions ------------- Interventions are the atomic units which comprise the infrastructure systems in the simulation models. Interventions can represent physical assets such as pipes, and lines (edges in a network) or power stations and reservoirs (nodes in a network). Interventions can also represent intangibles which affects the operation of a system, such as a policy. An exhaustive list of the interventions (often infrastructure assets) should be defined. These are represented internally in the system-of-systems model, collected into a gazateer and allow the framework to reason on infrastructure assets across all sectors. Interventions are instances of :class:`-smif.intervention.Intervention` and are held in :class:`-smif.intervention.InterventionRegister`. Interventions include investments in assets, supply side efficiency improvements, but not demand side management (these are incorporated in the strategies). Define all possible interventions in an ``*.yml`` file in the ``data/interventions`` For example: .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/data/interventions/water_supply.yml :language: yaml :lines: 6-19 Alternatively define all possible interventions in an ``*.csv`` file in the ``data/interventions`` For example: .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/data/interventions/energy_supply.csv :language: csv :lines: 1-5 Note that the ``_value`` and ``_unit`` suffixes of the column names are used to unpack the data internally. Some attributes may be required: - technical_lifetime (years are assumed as unit and can be omitted) Initial Conditions ------------------ Initial conditions define the interventions to be applied before any decision process starts. Depending on the model, it may be possible to compose the entire system of interest from a list of initial conditions. .. literalinclude:: ../src/smif/sample_project/data/initial_conditions/water_supply_oxford.yml :language: yaml References ---------- .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations