smif.exception module

Holds custom smif exception hierarchy

+– SmifException
+– SmifDataError
+– SmifDataNotFoundError +– SmifDataExistsError +– SmifDataMismatchError +– SmifDataReadError +– SmifDataInputError

+– SmifModelRunError +– SmifValidationError



SmifDataError Errors raised by the DataInterface
SmifDataExistsError Raise when some data is found unexpectedly
SmifDataInputError Raise when unable to write data because it does not meet specification and can be addressed to a specific (user-interface) input field
SmifDataMismatchError Raise when some data doesn’t match the context
SmifDataNotFoundError Raise when some data is not found
SmifDataReadError Raise when unable to read data
SmifException The base class for all errors raised in smif
SmifModelRunError Raise when model run requirements are not satisfied
SmifTimestepResolutionError Raise when timestep cannot be resolved
SmifValidationError Custom exception to use for parsing validation.


exception smif.exception.SmifException[source]

Bases: Exception

The base class for all errors raised in smif

exception smif.exception.SmifDataError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifException

Errors raised by the DataInterface

exception smif.exception.SmifDataNotFoundError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifDataError

Raise when some data is not found

exception smif.exception.SmifDataExistsError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifDataError

Raise when some data is found unexpectedly

exception smif.exception.SmifDataMismatchError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifDataError

Raise when some data doesn’t match the context

E.g. when updating an object by id, the updated object’s id must match the id provided separately.

exception smif.exception.SmifDataReadError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifDataError

Raise when unable to read data

E.g. unable to handle file type or connect to database

exception smif.exception.SmifDataInputError(component, error, message)[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifDataError

Raise when unable to write data because it does not meet specification and can be addressed to a specific (user-interface) input field

E.g. - component: description - unable to write a description shorter than 5 characters - We require a description so you can identify your system-of-systems

configuration throughout your project.
exception smif.exception.SmifModelRunError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifException

Raise when model run requirements are not satisfied

exception smif.exception.SmifValidationError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifException

Custom exception to use for parsing validation.

exception smif.exception.SmifTimestepResolutionError[source]

Bases: smif.exception.SmifException

Raise when timestep cannot be resolved