See requirements.txt for a full list.

Using conda

The recommended installation method is to use conda, which handles packages and virtual environments, along with the conda-forge channel which has a host of pre-built libraries and packages.

Create a conda environment:

conda create --name smif_env python=3.6

Activate it (run each time you switch projects):

conda activate smif_env

Add the conda-forge channel, which has smif available:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Finally install smif:

conda install smif

Installing smif with other methods

Once the dependencies are installed on your system, a normal installation of smif can be achieved using pip on the command line:

pip install smif

Versions under development can be installed from github using pip too:

pip install git+

To install from the source code in development mode:

git clone
cd smif
python develop

Spatial libraries

smif optionally depends on fiona and shapely, which depend on the GDAL and GEOS libraries. These add support for reading and writing common spatial file formats and for spatial data conversions.

If not using conda, on Mac or Linux these can be installed with your OS package manager:

# On debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install gdal-bin libspatialindex-dev libgeos-dev

# or on Mac
brew install gdal
brew install spatialindex
brew install geos

Then to install the python packages, run:

pip install smif[spatial]

Running smif from the command line

Follow the `getting started guide