Source code for smif.controller.execute_step

"""Execute a single step directly
import logging
import os
import sys

from import get_model_run_definition
from smif.data_layer import DataHandle
from smif.data_layer.model_loader import ModelLoader
from smif.decision.decision import DecisionManager
from smif.exception import SmifDataNotFoundError

[docs]def execute_model_before_step(model_run_id, model_name, store, dry_run=False): """Runs model initialisation This method """ if dry_run: print(" smif before_step {} --model {}".format(model_run_id, model_name)) else: model, data_handle = _get_model_and_handle(store, model_run_id, model_name) # before_model_run may not be implemented by all jobs if hasattr(model, "before_model_run"): model.before_model_run(data_handle)
[docs]def execute_model_step( model_run_id, model_name, timestep, decision, store, dry_run=False ): """Runs a single step of a model run This method is designed to be the single place where smif actually calls wrapped models. Loading model wrapper implementations (via ModelLoader) is also deferred to this method, so that the smif scheduler environment need not have all the python dependencies of all wrapped models. For example, in a scheduled containerised environment, the model run can be configured and set running (`smif run modelrun_name`) in one environment, and individual models can run (`smif run modelrun_name --model model_name --timestep 2050`) in their own environments. Parameters ---------- model_run_id: str Modelrun id of overarching model run model_name: str Model to run timestep: int Timestep to run decision: int Decision to run store: Store """ if dry_run: print( " smif step {} --model {} --timestep {} --decision {}".format( model_run_id, model_name, timestep, decision ) ) else: model, data_handle = _get_model_and_handle( store, model_run_id, model_name, timestep, decision ) model.simulate(data_handle)
def _get_model_and_handle( store, model_run_id, model_name, timestep=None, decision=None ): """Helper method to read model and set up appropriate data handle""" try: model_run_config = store.read_model_run(model_run_id) except SmifDataNotFoundError: logging.error( "Model run %s not found. Run 'smif list' to see available model runs.", model_run_id, ) sys.exit(1) loader = ModelLoader() sector_model_config = store.read_model(model_name) # absolute path to be crystal clear for ModelLoader when loading python class sector_model_config["path"] = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(store.model_base_folder, sector_model_config["path"]) ) model = loader.load(sector_model_config) # DataHandle reads # - model run from store to find narratives and scenarios selected # - sos model from store to find dependencies and parameters # all in order to resolve *input* data locations and *parameter* defaults and values data_handle = DataHandle( store=store, model=model, modelrun_name=model_run_id, current_timestep=timestep, timesteps=model_run_config["timesteps"], decision_iteration=decision, ) return model, data_handle
[docs]def execute_decision_step(model_run_id, decision, store): """Request the next set of decisions from the decision manager, including the bundle of timesteps and decision iterations to simulate next. Parameters ---------- model_run_id: str Modelrun id of overarching model run decision: int Decision to run - should be 0 to start, or n+1 where n is the max decision executed so far store: Store """ # get model run with sos model and all models loaded # DecisionManager needs a SosModel # - uses list of model names to read available interventions per model # - passes SosModel to create ResultsHandle # - uses any given Model as object to look at outputs to find appropriate Spec to # read model_run = get_model_run_definition(store, model_run_id) # decision loop gets and saves decisions into "state" files decision_manager = DecisionManager( store, model_run["timesteps"], model_run_id, model_run["sos_model"], decision ) bundle = next(decision_manager.decision_loop()) # print report print("Got decision bundle") print(" decision iterations", bundle["decision_iterations"]) print(" timesteps", bundle["timesteps"]) print("Run each model in order with commands like:") print( " smif step {} --model <model> --decision <d> --timestep <t>".format( model_run_id ) ) print("To see a viable order, dry-run the whole model:") print(" smif run {} --dry-run".format(model_run_id))