Source code for smif.data_layer.data_handle

"""Provide an interface to data, parameters and results

A :class:`DataHandle` is passed in to a :class:`Model` at runtime, to provide
transparent access to the relevant data and parameters for the current
:class:`ModelRun` and iteration. It gives read access to parameters and input
data (at any computed or pre-computed timestep) and write access to output data
(at the current timestep).
from copy import copy
from logging import getLogger
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np  # type: ignore

from smif.data_layer.data_array import DataArray
from import Store
from smif.exception import SmifDataError
from smif.metadata import RelativeTimestep

[docs]class DataHandle(object): """Get/set model parameters and data""" def __init__( self, store: Store, modelrun_name, current_timestep, timesteps, model, decision_iteration=None, ): """Create a DataHandle for a Model to access data, parameters and state, and to communicate results. Parameters ---------- store : Store Backing store for inputs, parameters, results modelrun_name : str Name of the current modelrun current_timestep : str timesteps : list model : Model Model which will use this DataHandle decision_iteration : int, default=None ID of the current Decision iteration """ self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self._store = store self._modelrun_name = modelrun_name self._current_timestep = current_timestep self._timesteps = timesteps self._decision_iteration = decision_iteration self._model_name = self._inputs = model.inputs self._outputs = model.outputs self._model = model modelrun = self._store.read_model_run(self._modelrun_name) sos_model = self._store.read_sos_model(modelrun["sos_model"]) self._scenario_dependencies = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict] self._model_dependencies = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict] scenario_variants = modelrun["scenarios"] self._load_dependencies(sos_model, scenario_variants) self.logger.debug( "Create with %s model, %s scenario dependencies", len(self._scenario_dependencies), len(self._model_dependencies), ) self._parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, DataArray] self._load_parameters(sos_model, modelrun["narratives"]) def _load_dependencies(self, sos_model, scenario_variants): """Load Model dependencies as a dict with {input_name: list[Dependency]}""" for dep in sos_model["model_dependencies"]: if dep["sink"] == self._model_name: input_name = dep["sink_input"] self._model_dependencies[input_name] = { "source_model_name": dep["source"], "source_output_name": dep["source_output"], "type": "model", } for dep in sos_model["scenario_dependencies"]: if dep["sink"] == self._model_name: input_name = dep["sink_input"] self._scenario_dependencies[input_name] = { "source_model_name": dep["source"], "source_output_name": dep["source_output"], "type": "scenario", "variant": scenario_variants[dep["source"]], } def _load_parameters(self, sos_model, concrete_narratives): """Load parameter values for model run Parameters for each of the contained sector models are loaded into memory as a data_handle is initialised. Firstly, default values for the parameters are loaded from the parameter specs contained within each of the sector models Then, the data from the list of narrative variants linked to the current model run are loaded into the parameters contained within the Arguments --------- sos_model : dict A configuration dictionary of a system-of-systems model concrete_narratives: dict of list Links narrative names to a list of variants to furnish parameters with values {narrative_name: [variant_name, ...]} """ # Populate the parameters with their default values for parameter in self._model.parameters.values(): self._parameters[] = self._store.read_model_parameter_default(, ) # Load in the concrete narrative and selected variants from the model run for narrative_name, variant_names in concrete_narratives.items(): # Load the narrative try: narrative = [ x for x in sos_model["narratives"] if x["name"] == narrative_name ][0] except IndexError: msg = "Couldn't find a match for {} in {}" raise IndexError(msg.format(narrative_name, sos_model["name"])) self.logger.debug("Loaded narrative: %s", narrative) self.logger.debug("Considering variants: %s", variant_names) # Read parameter data from each variant, later variants overriding # previous parameter values for variant_name in variant_names: try: parameter_list = narrative["provides"][] except KeyError: parameter_list = [] for parameter in parameter_list: da = self._store.read_narrative_variant_data( sos_model["name"], narrative_name, variant_name, parameter ) self._parameters[parameter].update(da)
[docs] def derive_for(self, model): """Derive a new DataHandle configured for the given Model Parameters ---------- model : Model Model which will use this DataHandle """ return DataHandle( store=self._store, modelrun_name=self._modelrun_name, current_timestep=self._current_timestep, timesteps=list(self.timesteps), model=model, decision_iteration=self._decision_iteration, )
def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._parameters: return self.get_parameter(key) elif key in self._inputs: return self.get_data(key) elif key in self._outputs: return self.get_results(key) else: raise KeyError( "'%s' not recognised as input, output or parameter for '%s'" % (key, self._model_name) ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if hasattr(value, "as_ndarray"): raise TypeError("Pass in a numpy array") self.set_results(key, value) @property def current_timestep(self): """Current timestep""" return self._current_timestep @property def previous_timestep(self): """Previous timestep""" return RelativeTimestep.PREVIOUS.resolve_relative_to( self._current_timestep, self._timesteps ) @property def base_timestep(self): """Base timestep""" return RelativeTimestep.BASE.resolve_relative_to( self._current_timestep, self._timesteps ) @property def timesteps(self): """All timesteps (as tuple)""" return tuple(self._timesteps) @property def decision_iteration(self): return self._decision_iteration
[docs] def get_state(self): """The current state of the model If the DataHandle instance has a timestep, then state is established from the state file. Returns ------- list of tuple A list of (intervention name, build_year) installed in the current timestep Raises ------ ValueError If self._current_timestep is None an error is raised. """ if self._current_timestep is None: raise ValueError("You must pass a timestep value to get state") else: sos_state = self._store.read_state( self._modelrun_name, self._current_timestep, self._decision_iteration ) return sos_state
[docs] def get_current_interventions(self): """Get the interventions that exist in the current state Returns ------- dict of dicts A dict of intervention dicts with build_year attribute keyed by name """ state = self.get_state() current_interventions = {} all_interventions = self._store.read_interventions(self._model_name) for decision in state: name = decision["name"] build_year = decision["build_year"] try: serialised = all_interventions[name] serialised["build_year"] = build_year current_interventions[name] = serialised except KeyError: # ignore if intervention is not in current set pass msg = "State matched with %s interventions", len(current_interventions)) return current_interventions
[docs] def get_data(self, input_name: str, timestep=None) -> DataArray: """Get data required for model inputs Parameters ---------- input_name : str timestep : RelativeTimestep or int, optional defaults to RelativeTimestep.CURRENT Returns ------- smif.data_layer.data_array.DataArray Contains data annotated with the metadata and provides utility methods to access the data in different ways Raises ------ SmifDataError If any data reading error occurs below this method, the error is handled and reraised within the context of the current call """ if input_name not in self._inputs: raise KeyError( "'{}' not recognised as input for '{}'".format( input_name, self._model_name ) ) timestep = self._resolve_timestep(timestep) dep = self._resolve_source(input_name) self.logger.debug( "Read %s %s %s", dep["source_model_name"], dep["source_output_name"], timestep, ) if dep["type"] == "scenario": data = self._get_scenario(dep, timestep, input_name) else: input_spec = self._inputs[input_name] data = self._get_result(dep, timestep, input_spec) return data
def _resolve_timestep(self, timestep): """Resolves a relative timestep to an absolute timestep Arguments --------- timestep : RelativeTimestep or int Returns ------- int """ if self._current_timestep is None: if timestep is None: raise ValueError("You must provide a timestep to obtain data") elif hasattr(timestep, "resolve_relative_to"): timestep = timestep.resolve_relative_to( self._timesteps[0], self._timesteps ) else: assert isinstance(timestep, int) and timestep in self._timesteps else: if timestep is None: timestep = self._current_timestep elif hasattr(timestep, "resolve_relative_to"): timestep = timestep.resolve_relative_to( self._current_timestep, self._timesteps ) else: assert isinstance(timestep, int) and timestep <= self._current_timestep return timestep def _get_result(self, dep, timestep, input_spec) -> DataArray: """Retrieves a model result for a dependency""" output_spec = copy(input_spec) = dep["source_output_name"] self.logger.debug( "Getting model result for %s via %s from %s", input_spec, dep, output_spec ) try: data = self._store.read_results( self._modelrun_name, dep["source_model_name"], # read from source model output_spec, # using source model output spec timestep, self._decision_iteration, ) = # ensure name matches input (as caller expects) except SmifDataError as ex: msg = "Could not read data for output '{}' from '{}' in {}, iteration {}" raise SmifDataError( msg.format(, dep["source_model_name"], timestep, self._decision_iteration, ) ) from ex return data def _get_scenario(self, dep, timestep, input_name) -> DataArray: """Retrieves data from a scenario Arguments --------- dep : dict A scenario dependency timestep : int Returns ------- DataArray """ try: data = self._store.read_scenario_variant_data( dep["source_model_name"], # read from a given scenario model dep["variant"], # with given scenario variant dep["source_output_name"], # using output (variable) name timestep, ) = input_name # ensure name matches input (as caller expects) except SmifDataError as ex: msg = "Could not read data for output '{}' from '{}.{}' in {}" raise SmifDataError( msg.format( dep["source_output_name"], dep["source_model_name"], dep["variant"], timestep, ) ) from ex return data def _resolve_source(self, input_name) -> Dict: """Find best dependency to provide input data Returns ------- dep : dict A scenario or model dependency dictionary """ scenario_dep = None try: scenario_dep = self._scenario_dependencies[input_name] except KeyError: pass model_dep = None try: model_dep = self._model_dependencies[input_name] except KeyError: pass if scenario_dep is not None and model_dep is not None: # if multiple dependencies, use scenario for timestep 0, model for # subsequent timesteps if self._current_timestep == self._timesteps[0]: dep = scenario_dep else: dep = model_dep elif scenario_dep is not None: # else assume single dependency per input dep = scenario_dep elif model_dep is not None: dep = model_dep else: raise SmifDataError( "Dependency not defined for input '{}' in model '{}'".format( input_name, self._model_name ) ) return dep
[docs] def get_base_timestep_data(self, input_name): """Get data from the base timestep as required for model inputs Parameters ---------- input_name : str Returns ------- smif.data_layer.data_array.DataArray """ return self.get_data(input_name, RelativeTimestep.BASE)
[docs] def get_previous_timestep_data(self, input_name): """Get data from the previous timestep as required for model inputs Parameters ---------- input_name : str Returns ------- smif.data_layer.data_array.DataArray """ return self.get_data(input_name, RelativeTimestep.PREVIOUS)
[docs] def get_parameter(self, parameter_name): """Get the value for a parameter Parameters ---------- parameter_name : str Returns ------- smif.data_layer.data_array.DataArray Contains data annotated with the metadata and provides utility methods to access the data in different ways """ if parameter_name not in self._parameters: raise KeyError( "'{}' not recognised as parameter for '{}'".format( parameter_name, self._model_name ) ) return self._parameters[parameter_name]
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """Get all parameter values Returns ------- parameters : MappingProxyType Read-only view of parameters (like a read-only dict) """ return MappingProxyType(self._parameters)
[docs] def set_results(self, output_name, data): """Set results values for model outputs Parameters ---------- output_name : str data : numpy.ndarray """ if hasattr(data, "as_ndarray"): raise TypeError("Pass in a numpy array") if output_name not in self._outputs: raise KeyError( "'{}' not recognised as output for '{}'".format( output_name, self._model_name ) ) self.logger.debug( "Write %s %s %s", self._model_name, output_name, self._current_timestep ) spec = self._outputs[output_name] da = DataArray(spec, data) self._store.write_results( da, self._modelrun_name, self._model_name, self._current_timestep, self._decision_iteration, )
[docs] def get_results(self, output_name, decision_iteration=None, timestep=None): """Get results values for model outputs Parameters ---------- output_name : str The name of an output for `model_name` decision_iteration : int, default=None timestep : int or RelativeTimestep, default=None Returns ------- smif.data_layer.data_array.DataArray Contains data annotated with the metadata and provides utility methods to access the data in different ways Notes ----- Access to model results is only granted to models contained within self._model if self._model is a smif.model.model.CompositeModel """ model_name = # resolve timestep if timestep is None: timestep = self._current_timestep elif isinstance(timestep, RelativeTimestep): timestep = timestep.resolve_relative_to( self._current_timestep, self._timesteps ) else: assert isinstance(timestep, int) and timestep <= self._current_timestep # find output spec try: spec = self._model.outputs[output_name] except KeyError: msg = "'{}' not recognised as output for '{}'" raise KeyError(msg.format(output_name, model_name)) if decision_iteration is None: decision_iteration = self._decision_iteration self.logger.debug("Read %s %s %s", model_name, output_name, timestep) return self._store.read_results( self._modelrun_name, model_name, spec, timestep, decision_iteration )
[docs] def read_unit_definitions(self) -> List[str]: """Read unit definitions Returns ------- list[str] """ return self._store.read_unit_definitions()
[docs] def read_coefficients(self, source_dim: str, destination_dim: str) -> np.ndarray: """Reads coefficients from the store Coefficients are uniquely identified by their source/destination dimensions. This method and `write_coefficients` implement caching of conversion coefficients between dimensions. Parameters ---------- source_dim: str Dimension name destination_dim: str Dimension name Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ data = self._store.read_coefficients(source_dim, destination_dim) return data
[docs] def write_coefficients( self, source_dim: str, destination_dim: str, data: np.ndarray ): """Writes coefficients to the store Coefficients are uniquely identified by their source/destination dimensions. This method and `read_coefficients` implement caching of conversion coefficients between dimensions. Parameters ---------- source_dim: str Dimension name destination_dim: str Dimension name data : numpy.ndarray """ data = self._store.write_coefficients(source_dim, destination_dim, data) return data
[docs]class ResultsHandle(object): """Results access for decision modules""" def __init__( self, store: Store, modelrun_name: str, sos_model, current_timestep: int, timesteps: Optional[List[int]] = None, decision_iteration: Optional[int] = None, ): self._store = store self._modelrun_name = modelrun_name self._sos_model = sos_model self._current_timestep = current_timestep self._timesteps = timesteps self._decision_iteration = decision_iteration @property def base_timestep(self) -> int: return self._timesteps[0] @property def current_timestep(self) -> int: return self._current_timestep @property def previous_timestep(self) -> Union[None, int]: rel = RelativeTimestep.PREVIOUS return rel.resolve_relative_to(self._current_timestep, self._timesteps) @property def decision_iteration(self) -> int: return self._decision_iteration
[docs] def get_results( self, model_name: str, output_name: str, timestep: Union[int, RelativeTimestep], decision_iteration: int, ) -> DataArray: """Access model results Parameters ---------- model_name : str output_name : str timestep : [int, RelativeTimestep] decision_iteration : int Returns ------- smif.data_layer.data_array.DataArray Contains data annotated with the metadata and provides utility methods to access the data in different ways """ # resolve timestep if hasattr(timestep, "resolve_relative_to"): timestep_value = timestep.resolve_relative_to( self._current_timestep, self._timesteps ) # type: Union[int, None] else: assert isinstance(timestep, int) and timestep <= self._current_timestep timestep_value = timestep if model_name in [ for model in self._sos_model.models]: results_model = self._sos_model.get_model(model_name) else: msg = "Model '{}' is not contained in SosModel '{}'. Found {}." raise KeyError( msg.format(model_name,, self._sos_model.models) ) try: spec = results_model.outputs[output_name] except KeyError: msg = "'{}' not recognised as output for '{}'" raise KeyError(msg.format(output_name, model_name)) results = self._store.read_results( self._modelrun_name, model_name, spec, timestep_value, decision_iteration ) return results
[docs] def get_state(self, timestep: int, decision_iteration: int) -> List[Dict]: """Retrieve the pre-decision state of the model If the DataHandle instance has a timestep, then state is established from the state file. Returns ------- List[Dict] A list of {'name', 'build_year'} dictionaries showing the history of decisions made up to this point """ state = self._store.read_state( self._modelrun_name, timestep, decision_iteration ) return state